The Folsom Museum



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Chili Cook Off Fundraiser


Contestants have the opportunity to submit in any or all of the three
categories: Red Chili, Green Chili, or Tex-Mex Chili

There is a five dollar entree fee for contestants

Contestants must submit their chili sample in a pint jar by 5:30 p.m.

Contestants must bring at least one gallon of their chili to serve to attendees

Tables and electricity will be provided, bring your own heating device

Judging is between 5:30 and 6:00 and serving begins at 6:00

A prize will be awarded for winners in each category and a grand prize for the overall winner

Questions and concerns should be directed to the Folsom Museum at
575 278-2122

Texas Longhorn Meal

Dinner will be prepared by Fred Balmer from the Folsom Falls Ranch. He will surprise us with one of his wonderful Texas Longhorn meals.

Steve Cormier

 Will be entertaining us Under the Stars he is a well known Singer, Cowboy Poet, Actor & Educator

Join us for an exceptional interpretation of western traditions.


Sponsored by

The New Mexico Humanities Council
The Folsom Museum

Brand Our Fence

Bring your irons, we’ll heat um up.

Add your family brand to our Brand Registry Book & our Fence.


A little brand history is always welcome!


3rd Annual Live Auction

Local Artist and Crafters have donated many wonderful items for the auction again this year.

For more information call 575-278-2122