Welcome to our Town!

Folsom, NM has a population of about 77. The Folsom area is one of the most beautiful and interesting in Northern New Mexico.

The village is located in a valley by the Dry Cimarron River. Capulin Volcano, an extinct volcano and national park, is about 7 miles to the southwest. Visitors can drive to the top of this nearly perfect cinder cone and walk around the rim while enjoying the spectacular view.

There is an excellent museum in town - click here to visit an informative web site which details a lot of the history of the area >>Folsom Museum.

Go ahead and take a gander at our lil' ole website.  There's quite a bit here, and it beats watching Hee-Haw reruns.  Well, okay, maybe just barely.

Area Attractions

Folsom is located near many wonderful attractions.  There are numerous day trips which offer a variety of scenic beauty and adventures:

  • Walk the rim of Capulin Volcano
  • Visit the Folsom Museum
  • Explore the Mandala Center
  • Drink in the coffee & art at Studio C Gallery & ArtSpace
  • Tour the beautiful Johnson Mesa
  • Explore the Dry Cimarron Valley
  • Hunt deer, elk, antelope, turkey, bear and more
  • Shop downtown Raton and hike the hills
  • Take in a performance at the Shuler Theater
  • Wander Sugarite State Park & Lake Maloya
  • Test your aim at the world's premier shooting range
  • Experience the wonderful architecture of Trinidad
  • Take a lantern tour of ghostly, historic Cimarron
  • Drive the breathtaking Cimarron Canyon and ski NM
  • Visit Clayton Lake and the dinosaur tracks

>>click here for more info


Folsom has an incredibly rich history which is preserved in the buildings, people, and the wonderful museum.

Originally, a town named Madison was established where the Granada to Fort Union Military Route crossed the Dry Cimarron river.  When the railroad track was laid through the area, it bypassed Madison.  The townspeople threw together a tent city where the tracks met the river -- it was called Rag Town because of all the canvas structures.

Some time later the bride-elect of President Grover Cleveland, Francis Folsom, stepped off the train to explore the little town during a whistle stop.  The townspeople were smitten by her charms and chose her maiden name with which to christen the little village by the river.

>>click here for more info

Folsom Man Archaeological Site

The Folsom area is home to one of the most important archaeological sites in North America.  This find changed our thinking about man's early presence on the continent.

After the disastrous flood of 1908, a black cowboy named George McJunkin discovered a cache of fossilized Bison bones protruding from a freshly cut arroyo.  Being a self-educated man of science, George realized that these bones were not those of modern Bison, but were at least fifty percent larger.

The find was not investigated until four years after McJunkin's death, but the discovery would turn the world of archaeology on its head by pushing the presence of man in North America back by at least 5,000 years to 12,000 years before present day.  Amongst the approximately thirty-one Bison skeletons were found thirteen spear points.  These points are now known as "Folsom Points", and represent the pinnacle of projectile point technology.

>>click here for more info

 Skoonies in the Boonies

Commentary, comics & puzzles. You know -- the important stuff.

>>click here to board this ride



View From the Top of Capulin Volcano

Distance by Tim Keller Photography © 2010

Tally Book by Dino Cornay © 2010

Lava Flowing by Christina Boyce © 2010

Capulin Volcano Run - Half Marathon
image by Tim Keller Photography © 2010

Cartoons by Dino Cornay © 2010

Click on any image for more details!